February 16, 2022
Payments as a Service: A Business Case For PaaS
Welcome to the new world where everything, and we mean everything, is an acronym If your company has a pain point, there is an acronym for it For the...
January 26, 2022
Integrated Payment Solutions Have Become a Must-Have in Loan Management Software
Remember when we said, “every business would become a software business” Well, here we are, only 12 years later, saying “every software company...
January 12, 2022
B2B Payments 2022: 4 Trends You Need to Know About
As  B2B payments 2022 trends lists hit the shelves, we wanted to add our thoughts for what lies ahead in the payment space 2021 was an...
November 14, 2021
Customer Payment Choice Redefines the Lending Industry
Payments, money lending and financial transactions of all sorts have been present throughout history In the very early days, payments took a physical...
April 29, 2021
Integrated Payments: Modernizing Lenders and satisfying their Borrowers
As part of our blog series on integrated payments, today we’re taking a closer look at lenders and specifically how their customers can benefit...
March 9, 2021
Integrated Payment Partnerships - The Key Benefits for ISVs
As part of our blog series on ISV partnerships, today we’re taking a closer look at the key benefits of integrated payment partnerships The Future...
March 2, 2021
Integrated Payment Processing Helps ISVs Grow Revenue
In today’s growing technology landscape, particularly when it comes to digital and integrated payments, it’s no secret that consumers want...
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