June 27, 2023
How Real-Time Payment APIs are Transforming Payroll Software
Imagine a world where a business's payroll processing is smooth, efficient, and error-free, including payments Sound too good to be true Introducing...
June 20, 2023
VoPay’s Instant EFT Payments: A Natural Fit For Your Gig Platform
The time to ask is now Is your platform ready because tomorrow will be too late Digitalization and a booming platform market have radically changed...
May 9, 2023
A Guide to Gig Economy Payments: Is Your Platform Ready?
The gig economy is booming, with more and more people turning to gig work for either their livelihood or a side hustle Given that one of the biggest...
January 16, 2023
The Need For Speed: How FinTech Is Addressing Lending's Biggest Pain Points
The financial services industry is changing on every front It's about offering speed, convenience and embedded features for both lenders and...
December 21, 2022
The Top 5 Most Read VoPay Blogs Of 2022
As the rise of digital payments carried well into the year, the fast pace of technology opened up new opportunities and businesses looked for new...
October 11, 2022
Real-Time Payments Guide: The Next Business Disruptor
  Get Paid Faster Real-time payments (RTPs) help businesses do just that As the name suggests, RTPs offer users speed that cannot be matched by any...
May 31, 2022
Is Your Loan Management Software Ready for Generation Z?
Generation Z is the next wave of major consumers for lender providers; thus, the software they use better be ready A tech-savvy, digitally native...
February 1, 2022
Real-Time Payment Series: Part 2 Are Canadian Businesses Ready?
We can expect real-time payments (RTP) to go live in 2023 Canada-wide And it’s time for Canadian businesses to prepare The time to gain insight and...
January 12, 2022
B2B Payments 2022: 4 Trends You Need to Know About
As  B2B payments 2022 trends lists hit the shelves, we wanted to add our thoughts for what lies ahead in the payment space 2021 was an...
October 5, 2021
5 Benefits of Digital Payments for Loan Management Softwares
Consumers everywhere expect the same choices that they get cross-industries and services They decide how, where and when they pay Lenders have taken...
June 14, 2021
Top three highlights: ‘Need for Speed: How RTR will change the Fintech game’
In recent years, countries around the world have been moving to upgrade their legacy systems to enable real-time payments and data-rich transactions...
April 29, 2021
Integrated Payments: Modernizing Lenders and satisfying their Borrowers
As part of our blog series on integrated payments, today we’re taking a closer look at lenders and specifically how their customers can benefit...
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